Combating Racism in Real Estate
Featuring Cynthia Tibbs
Being born into a family of entrepreneurs meant everyone in the house had responsibilities. My chores were important because they kept the house neat and clean. My grandmother, Lucile, owned 3 businesses: upholstery; café; beauty salon. My grandfather, Leonard owned 2 businesses: janitorial service to schools and other businesses; barber. My grandfather was the first to leave home for work. My grandmother always cooked breakfast and dinner before she left for work. There was always food in the house, and I had the company of my aunt, Shirley, who was my babysitter. When Shirley died in 1963, I became very lonely and sad from the grief. I was home alone most of the time from 7am to midnight. I learned to love my own company My grandparents divorced after 27 years of a violent marriage and my whole life changed. We moved to a newly integrated community too far from Fifth Ward for me to stay close to all those whom I knew best. My then spiritual, educational, and social affiliations and activities were abruptly ended. Integration did not bring what I had hoped for and so far (2023) still has nothing to do with equal rights or the application of the US Constitution to African-American lives in the United States.